Tuesday 12 March 2013

What Are The Benefits Of Organic Food?

There is much discussion today about the pros and cons of organic food. People want to know whether organic food is better than non-organic food. They question the regulatory oversight bodies that determine whether the food that’s labeled organic really meets all of the criteria. These are difficult questions to answer with certainty especially since the answers often depend on who is asked. Regardless, there are several very real benefits of consuming organic food. Here is an overview of the most common.

Organic Food Tastes Better

The people who eat organic food claim that organic food is more flavorful and studies have actually been conducted that confirm this belief. The chemicals that are used in the production of non-organic food definitely affect flavor.

 Organic Food is better for the Body

The United States Environmental Protection Agency now lists many of the chemicals used in the production of pesticides and fungicides as potential cancer-causing components. It makes sense then, that when non-organic foods are consumed, so too are these cancer-causing ingredients. Since these types of chemicals cannot be used to grow organic foods, they simply are not present and therefore, they cannot be ingested. Eating organic foods won’t unfortunately prevent cancer because there are plenty of genetic and environmental factors that can cause it to develop. However eating organic food greatly reduces the chance that certain cancers will develop.
In addition, organically-grown produce contains up to 50% more of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants the body needs to stay healthy and perform at optimum capacity. If you’re trying to add more fruit and vegetables to your diet, you can double the benefits by eating organic ones.

You Can Feel Good about What You Eat

When you eat organic food, you know what you’re not getting. You know you’re not eating food that’s been genetically altered or shot up with growth hormones and antibodies. You know that the skins of your fruits and vegetables aren’t a thick covering of chemicals and other harmful ingredients. The bottom line: You know that you are fueling your body with healthy fuel. Centuries ago, people did not have as many health-related issues as they do in these more modern times. Plenty of people feel it is our food that is killing us.

You Help Protect Environment

When pesticides and fertilizers are applied to plants, there is no way to keep the chemicals used in their production from covering the ground. Rain and irrigation cause these chemicals to be absorbed into the ground. As they absorb into the ground, they percolate down to the underground water tables. Ultimately, the chemicals leach into nearby water bodies. The soil as well as the water begins to be contaminated. Over time the birds, fish and other animals living in these environments become affected. Since organic foods are grown without using these dangerous chemicals, their growth will never impact the environment in this manner.

Sunday 10 March 2013

5 Ways to Save Money on Organic Food

There is great debate at the moment on whether it is worthwhile purchasing organic food as it is usually much more expensive than conventional food.

The advantages of organic food are well documented, however in my eyes it really comes down to one issue, do you and your children really want to eat pesticides with your food?
Assuming your answer is no and you want to go down the organic food route, then how do you go about keeping the cost down?

Grow your own

The cheapest method has got to be to grow your own. The great thing is that it doesn't require you to have much garden space, or even a garden at all!

We grow tomatoes, and strawberries in containers and the extra benefit is that you get total control over the growing conditions.

The best combination is to have organic soil together with organically produced seeds or plants, that way you ensure you get the full flavor and benefit.

Containers can be placed anywhere that receives a reasonable amount of daylight, which means that you can use them on balconies or other hard surfaces.

Look for your local suppliers

One of the most satisfying things to do is to buy organic food locally. That way you get the freshest ingredients for your kitchen and also get to support local businesses. With no transportation costs for the supplier too you should get very competitive prices.

Don't forget that these same businesses will be employing local staff so you are also helping the local economy, everybody wins in this scenario.

Local markets

We visit a big monthly market held on a disused airstrip. Organic food is just one of the varieties of items sold there but the prices are very, very good indeed. Of course they are all local suppliers and with several of them in one place we benefit from healthy competition and get to sample a lot of fruit!

Local box schemes

If you are unable to get out of your house or are too busy working to select your groceries by hand then why not subscribe to an organic box scheme?

You will receive, delivered to your door, a weekly selection of fruit and vegetables in season.

Farm shops

Finally, investigate whether any farms near you are operating an organic farm shop. Our local one is operated on an open farm so that you can go and see where the animals are being kept and take a look at the crops being grown.

They actually have a well-designed walking route around the farm which makes a nice day out for the kids too.

If you investigate the options above you should be able to make considerable savings whilst you and your family sample the delights advantages of organic food

Download Here To Learn How To Grow Organic Food With Less Than 8 Hours Work A Year

Monday 4 March 2013

Is Organic Food Safer?

The question, "Is organic food safer than non-organically grown food?" has been asked for many years. The fact is that organic food does cost more — a lot more. The only reason that anyone would pay double or triple the price for organically grown food is that they feel that it is safer for them and their families to consume, and that is it better for the environment as well.

The choice of whether to buy or not to buy organically grown food is, of course, a personal one that depends on your personal preferences, your values and your financial circumstances.

Here are the true facts about organic food:

1. Nutrition: There is no conclusive evidence that proves that organic food is more nutritious than food that is produced by the usual means. Even the USDA, who certifies that foods are organic, does not claim that organically produced food is more nutritional than their non-organic relatives.

2. Pesticides: The exposure to pesticides from non-organically grown fruits and vegetables is negligible according to researchers, and the health risk posed is very, very small. If the fruit and vegetables are washed before consumption, the risk is nonexistent.

3. Taste: Some people say that they can tell the difference between the taste of organic and non-organic food but taste is subjective. There are others who say that there is no taste difference at all.

4. Cost: The fact is that organically grown food is a lot more expensive than non-organically grown food.

5. Environment: Yes, using organic methods of food production are most certainly better for the environment. They reduce pollution and also conserve soil and water.

When you have the facts, you can make better decisions. Deciding to "go green" is a matter of personal choice.

Download Here To Learn How To Grow Organic Food With Less Than 8 Hours Work A Year

Sunday 24 February 2013

What Is Organic Food?

Organic food is any food that is produced without the use of artificial pest control, fertilization, or drugs. But in order to be certified by the government as "organic," the food must be produced under very stringent guidelines and rules. It must meet certain set standards. Basically, just because your neighbor doesn't use pesticides on his tomato plants, doesn't make the tomatoes organic.

For fruits and vegetables to be certified as organic, they must be grown without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizer, or sewage sludge. The food must have been processed without the use of any kind of food additives or preservatives. Meat that is deemed organic must come from animals that have been raised without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics that are very widely used in the production of all meat-producing animals including beef, poultry, pork, lamb, etc. The animals must have been fed a diet that consists of nothing but organic feed.

A lot of the big retailers are now trying to get their cut of the rapidly growing organic food market. Even Walt-Mart, the retail giant, is not marketing "organic" foods. The key word to look for is "certified," to be sure that the food that you are buying really IS completely organic.

There is no law against selling food deemed "organic," but in order to be deemed "certified organic," the farm or ranch on which the food was produced must have met rigorous standards and been certified as an organic producer. The rules and regulations are strict, and getting that designation is not free by any means.

Food that is marked "organic" can be imported from other countries that do not have the same standards as those of the United States. The term "buyer beware" applies to the organic food market.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Fact about Organic Food and Weight Loss

We've become a weight-conscious nation. A great majority of American adults will embark on a weight loss program this year. Some will even be successful. We all know that organic food is better for our bodies than traditionally produced foods. We know that we aren't being exposed to the chemicals and toxins that are present in traditionally produced foods when we eat organically produced food. But did you also know that eating organically produced food can help you lose those unwanted pounds?

It's true. The liver — an organ in the human body — is responsible for many things, but one of its most important tasks is to remove toxins from the foods that we eat. The liver also is the organ responsible for burning the most fat that is consumed. The main point to remember is that TOXINS TAKE PRECEDENCE.

If the liver is busy removing toxic chemicals from the body, then it isn't burning as much fat as it should. In order for the liver to work efficiently, it needs to be fed well. The liver needs for you to eat a diet that is high in fibre. Fibre provides fuel for the liver.

Fibre in the diet does many things. For example, an adequate amount of fibre in the diet helps the digestive system to dispose of waste easily and efficiently. A high-fibre diet helps to keep your digestive system operating smoothly. It will help the body to dispose of the waste that it needs to dispose of every day.

The body is wonderfully designed — it even comes with a "stand-by" system. That stand-by system is called "fat." When you body is fed toxic chemicals, the liver is busy eliminating those toxins so it simply stores the fat to be dealt with later. The problem is, if you keep eating those toxins, the liver never gets around to dealing with the fat.

Monday 21 January 2013

3 steps How To Grow Organic Vegetables In Pots

Guess what? You can grow your own organic vegetables in your own yard, or on your own patio, or even in your own garden — in pots! It's a lot easier than you might think, too. Here some steps you need to do,

Step 1:
Go to your local garden store and purchase pots. It's better to buy environmentally friendly pots like clay or wood. It's important for the pot to have drainage holes in the bottom.

Step 2:
The next thing you need is organic soil. Most garden centres sell packaged organic potting soil. (Unfortunately, most of this organic soil is still being packaged in plastic, but we are working on that problem.) You might also check with your local organic farm. Sometimes organic farms sell organic soil and natural composted fertilizer as well.

Step 3:
Now you need to decide what kinds of vegetables that you will raise. For your early attempts, it is probably better to choose vegetables that don't need a lot of space to grow, like radishes, lettuce, or carrots. As you get better at organic gardening, you'll be ready to raise other, more labour-intensive crops.

You need seeds, but you don't want to buy those little packets of seeds that are sold everywhere. You want to look for seeds or plants that have been organically grown so that you get the full benefit from your crops. The produce will be no better than the seed that it comes from.

Final step :
Enjoy your healthy organic foods. One of the greatest benefits, in my opinion, to gardening in pots is that the gardener has so much more control of factors like light and shade. Most vegetables are just as pretty as many "decorative" plants. You can display your organic vegetables just like you would any other potted plant. After you get the hang of growing organic vegetables in pots, you might branch out (pun intended) to growing your own organic herbs, as well.

Download Here To Learn How To Grow Organic Food With Less Than 8 Hours Work A Year